Advanced Document Attachments (GB)

by ERP Connect Consulting LLC

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Ability to drag and drop Documents to attach on main Business Central pages.

This version supports the GB Localizations only. For Additional Localizations see Additional App Listings.

Includes Free 30-Day Trial.

Advanced Document Attachments allows you to drag and drop Documents as attachments on the main pages inside of Business Central.

Features include:

  • Drag and Drop onto Document Attachment Factbox
  • Documents can be setup to be saved in Azure Blob Storage rather than base Business Central Database.
  • Convenient Document Attached List to download from, rather than having to drill into Document Attachments page.
  • Ability to easily convert Advanced Notes to Azure Blob Storage
  • Ability to easily convert out of box Attachments to Azure Blob Storage
  • Ability to attach documents to projects and include on invoices that are created from Projects when sending with our Invoice and Statement Delivery Tool
  • Ability to display Azure Blob Storage URLs for File Attachments (as well as API accessibility)

At a glance